Saturday, April 01, 2006   permanent link

Still The Light Trails

I apologize for this large (rather gigantic) post. I would not mind if you skip reading this post and go straight to the commenting section and write... "such long posts are worthless reading."

01. 04. 2003
Looking Down at Myself

When I look up at the sky, I see not any stars;
Nor do I see any planet, moon, cloud, nor any comet.

What I see is only faces.

Faces, looking down at me, speaking to me and calling me...
Every face forms a star; and every star -- a face.

Wierd faces!
Some laugh, some cry, some mock
And the rest haunt.
Certain of the faces are known when certain of them are strangers
I know those strangers. Don't I?

Some even taunt!
Save wildly. just carry a lean smile --
A delicate way to convey "I care."
Those subtle twinkles assure me that they are there... always.
To supervise my life.

Even when the life stuffles its suffocating canopy of "danger",
The faint glow reaches the soul.
"We are there,
Rise up and rise high.
Friends, Roman and countrymen,
Lend me whatever you are left with."

The voices skowly fade; the fading ripples of the Rushmore Lake.
Don't go away, they plead.
Please stay.
Please stay.
Stay for the sake of... staying.

Alas. Why do the wretched clouds need to intrude?
Everytime when there is a glimmer of hope, they never fail mimick quick sand.
Lost to those who do not just smile, but chuckle vigorously.
And in their vigorousness, one sees contempt --
As if mocking the me,
My existence, ambitions, dreams, aspirations.

Can the jeopardize? Ami a slave to the clouds?

The answer lies across the shore.
I see rich stars.
Their extravagance is made evident from their showers of bright light.
Is it their generosity? Or a selfish attitude?

Nevertheless... they are in tranquility.
And that is ALL that hey are in.
They have their desires kissing their feet. But can they grant a wish?
Desires of those stars that are too weak to glow or have crossed their time.
Can they revive the tottering soul from the dwindling juncture of life?

The affluent stars shine on in isolated patches.
Those that are deprived, laugh.
They laugh not to forget their defficacy, but to pity on the "apparent plush."

The sreach for those stars are on.
For those who are seen no more, at those places where they once used to be.
Now that the sky is dark, I close my eyes and see them so more.
So full, so fresh... happy in a new life.

Some form images, some work out the future, some find their way.
I contemplate.
One day soon, I too will follow them
And become a faint little speck up in the sky.

Can you see me from down here?

PS: Written three years ago, on my birthday. (Please spare the english. I thought to respect myself and not make any modification to the original script.)
The pictures were clicked on Diwali of 2005.



At 6/22/2006 2:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good ! keep posting

At 6/25/2006 10:55 am, Blogger Kuldip Kumar Garhwal said...

Welcome back to the blogging world. I love the photos with the candles.

At 6/25/2006 11:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one, I loved it, it means quite a lot to a lot of people.
The diwali photoghraphs, though out of place(except the diyas), were great.

At 6/27/2006 3:54 pm, Blogger Dhruva said...

Nice pics there, of the diyas.

PS:As for the beanbags, they're just as comfortable as couches. Maybe more so.


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