Fate of Silhouette
Simply because there is no road, does not mean that our journey stops. Maybe, after all our meandering journey of life, all of us reach the end. But at the end, it is the journey that matters the most.
And while walking ahead, eyes look down at the feet, admiring its ability to make the existence move forward. Occasions reframe the fact that the journey is nearing its end -- birthday and the passing of a year.
Truant may be the comprehension,
But not so likely haggard.
The myth lies within the importance
And importance resides within the carcass.And such occasions make the mind reflect back. Back at the days that the mind thinks is wasted. Back at the days where the mind could do something else, something productive, something conducive, something different but surely... something 'else.'
And barely after the trial of time,
The valiant warrior ponders,
Had he rehearsed before the time of trial.
He could then have done wonders.Even the most accomplished existence treads this pattern of thought. Why? Well... the answer lies in the word 'else.' Somehow, the insatiable greed of humankind for defining something undefined, results in such an elusive advocation.
Thus, at the end, I too wonder: "What have I done through the passing of time?" Yes, I try to console myself with so many credibilities that I assign myself. But, are they real? Has my existence done a single thing that has helped something? Even Mother Teresa had the same question. And Guess says that you too have the same question. Any deviation is just another self proclaimed credibility to satisfy the mind.
And some among those credibilities are these images. The first image, I consider my best ever outcome of my efforts. This image, and all other images in this post, is from the Southern Avenue Lake. I shot them on the eve of the second day of Vibes 2005.
PS: Also thanks to Shubho for his wholesome patience while I shot the frames. And also thanks to Srinivas Kumar, whom I met only a few weeks ago (on the net) and he told me how to use "depth-of-field" effect of my Camera.
La Internazionale (Part III)
Yet some more hypocritical frames of my La Internazionale Series! And nothing much to say on them. Just enjoy the pictures, reflect your ideas as comments and (maybe) use them as your wallpaper!

Note that for the 2nd picture (of 2nd Hooghly Bridge,) I have used a 10 ansi 35 mm Lumen filter, which I borrowed from an uncle of mine.
© Shamasis Bhattacharya (Twentyone Innovations)