The Grey Unlimits
The colour grey is always associated with gloom and sorrow. But, through some images of mine, I am going to make you re-evaluate this conception. Such that even the grey sky can appeal, when the right object is in frame.
This time, when I went to Anurag's house (though after a really long time,) I did not let go the opportunity to get some snaps from her buildings terrace. And to top it all, the partially cloudy and rain-oozing sky, did become a frame to worth recall. Especially when the bird whizzed by. (This time my hand was steady while shooting moving subjects.)
This last picture is totally owing to Anurag. She caught hold of these two kites flying high up. Though these kites were not visible from where I stood, it was her eye coupled with the power of zoom, that worked the magic.© Shamasis Bhattacharya (Twentyone Innovations)
The Mantle Pool
One of the cherished beauty of Kolkata is its lakes. Some are really a releiving sight to the sore eyes of any city-dweller.
Though i couldn't capture all the beauties ... here is one of them. The Four lakes, part of the five lakes called
'Panchashayar', near our College in Garia, are on these pic. I will definitely get some more snaps... as and when they come up. The last picture was by Abhirup, my dear friend. He too is great at photography.
© Shamasis Bhattacharya (Twentyone Innovations)
La Internazionale
If you think this is somewhere in the fast lanes of Texas, I tell you, it is not. It just depends on the eyes of the beholder and the point of view.
Here are some, very few to be specific, pictures that present a truly world class look of Calcutta (Kolkata)
These pictures were also taken under low-light circumstances of dusk in manual focus mode.© Shamasis Bhattacharya (Twentyone Innovations)
Victoria Memorial - Standing Tall
4th January 1906 witnessed the foundation of Victoria Memorial Monument in Calcutta by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Since its completion, Calcuttans are proud to exhibit the 64 acres of land with the building covering 338 ft by 228ft!

And, we Calcuttans never miss to capture this majestic beauty from all possible rhetrospection. Even, I thought to get merged with this cliché using my new camera. And after the marvel was achieved, I leafed through the pictures and thought... "is this Calcutta?!"
Yesterday, I was enjoying the fountain sprout of the newly constructed Elliot Park, when suddenly I got a glimpse of the Victoria Memorial. It wasn't much in sight till I decided to put my Zoom into work! It is to be noted that all the above pictures are taken at around 5pm in the dusk's twilight. The sky was overcast and light was a sensitive issue!
© Shamasis Bhattacharya (Twentyone Innovations)
Light Flanked Paradigm
Light fascinates most people and even challenges some. Atop my terrace at one in the morning, you don't get the priviledge! And when someone whispers into my ears... "Catch me if you can!" the challenge even surmounts the critical boundary of the word 'possible.'
When light is scarce and there is none to guide you, keeping your eyes wide-open is the best solution. I guess, I had been very eloquent on the terms of this picture. If one ever gets the chance to see from where I saw, it wouldn't be hard to notice that everything except the street was in pitch darkness. However, over-exposing the image allowed me to bring forth certain beauties that were invisible to the naked eyes.
A Virgin Attempt
As memories get refreshed, those subtle tingling sensations seem to be re-awakened into existence. Photographs are the tool to make you turn around, wait, look down and wonder "I have travelled so far in time!"
My first outdoor snap (using my own camera), seems to be very unlike what someone may want to claim as one's first picture. The picture is of a 'Phuchka-seller' (an Indian mouth-watering delicacy.) Not much of unique memory is associated with it, but the fact that most evening, me and my friends would go out and have our fill out there.

© Shamasis Bhattacharya (Twentyone Innovations)